As a Virtru customer, you’re able to send and receive encrypted emails and files with ease. But what is the email recipient experience like for those who don’t have Virtru?
The ease of the recipient experience is one of the top reasons why customers choose Virtru. With Virtru's email and file encryption, senders can maintain control over their shared data, meanwhile enabling their intended recipients to access it quickly and easily. One Virtru customer, DNA Worldwide, noted that it was a key aspect of his decision to go with Virtru. When his team discovered Virtru, they tested it out to get a feel for the user experience. “I wanted a solution that could make it really simple for people,” the founder and managing director recalled. He described the positive experience of quickly and easily opening up a Virtru secure email as a recipient and thinking, “Great! This is it!”
Watch this webinar to see how you can create an optimal experience for your recipients, whether they're internal or external customers and stakeholders. You'll walk away with a deeper understanding of how secure email can amplify your brand, become a competitive advantage, and build trust among your colleagues, business partners, and clients.
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