Virtru Business More Than Doubles in the Wake of Sony Mega-Hack
As the Sony hack has demonstrated, hackers around the world have learned that email exposure can result in devastating losses. People who engaged in what they presumed to be private email conversations are now fighting for their jobs and working to repair damaged relationships, while the public wonders what will come next. It’s clear now that sending an unprotected email is like a public tweet or blog or sending a postcard — the message is there for virtually anyone to see and use. Without effective, widespread adoption of encryption technologies, continued attacks on this vulnerability will continue.
Virtru is the easiest, most secure way for individuals and businesses to protect and share sensitive information. The free, encrypted email service works with existing email systems like Gmail, requires no heavyweight software or specialized skills, and users don’t need to be within a closed community or even on the same platform to trade secure messages.
“Virtru has taken rock-solid encryption technology and made it cost effective, convenient, and easy for everyone,” said John Ackerly, CEO and Co-Founder of Virtru. “Since the news of the Sony hack broke, we’ve seen interest in Virtru more than double in just the last week — small business owners, healthcare institutions, individual citizens, universities — all want to know how they can better protect themselves against the malicious activity of cybercriminals and control how their private email messages and attachments are distributed, who sees them and for how long.”
In addition to securing and encrypting email, Virtru’s commercial offering, Virtru Pro, adds unparalleled levels of control for users. With Virtru Pro, emails may be revoked at any time, forwarding can be restricted, and expiration dates can be set for messages. Virtru secures private information, wherever it travels and throughout its lifetime.
John Ackerly recently shared his expert views on email security and protection with CBS Evening News, demonstrating how to send and revoke a Virtru-secure email message with Correspondent John Blackstone. Last month, Virtru was named an Audience Choice award winner at the Privacy, Identity and Innovation (pii2014) conference, Silicon Valley’s premier event exploring where innovation is heading, what it means for the future of privacy and identity, and how to build trust in emerging technologies and business models.
To download the free, Virtru browser plug-in or mobile app, please visit
About Virtru
Virtru is the first company to make email privacy accessible to everyone. With a single plug-in, Virtru empowers individuals and businesses to control who receives, reviews, and retains their digital information — wherever it travels, throughout its lifespan. The company has set a new standard for digital privacy based on the Trusted Data Format (TDF), created by Virtru Co-Founder Will Ackerly and used by the intelligence community to secure some of the nation’s most sensitive data. Virtru requires no special skills or knowledge, supports all popular email and file types, and can be used on a PC, Mac or mobile device. To learn more about the company, visit and follow @virtruprivacy on Twitter.
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