Effectively serving the health care community during an outbreak or other rapidly escalating event calls for a comprehensive assessment to inform resource mobilization, which requires access to data early and often. This demo shows how the Virtru Data Security Platform enables every respondent-- individuals, health care professionals, and government organizations-- to confidently share data because they have full visibility and control over it at all times.
We're going to start with Ryan who works for a health institution in Florida. Ryan has uploaded sensitive data about his health care facilities, including things like bed capacity, ventilator count, and also PHI records such as the number of positive cases of a disease that has broken out in this region.
When Ryan contributed this data, he protected it with Virtru's technology and did not authorize anyone else to access it. So he is the only person that can see his data at this point. Since the real value of this scenario is the ability for multiple parties to contribute data and collaborate, we're going to take a look at another contributor, Andrew.
Just like Ryan, Andrew works for a healthcare organization but a different one in a different region, so he's contributing the same types of data to the Data Security Platform. But it's his, so we asked full control over it. Right now, only Andrew can see his data.
Ryan and Andrew have each agreed to contribute their data to an analysis platform that we're calling Outbreak Event Critical Resource Management, which is a piece of analytic software that can access sensitive data inside the Data Security Platform in order to determine where a disease is emerging and overlay that with bed and ventilator capacity in the region.
Our third collaborator, Beth, works for a government agency and has been tasked with mobilizing resources to manage the disease outbreak. Beth needs to see the output of the analysis from the Outbreak Event Critical Resource Management software so that she can create an effective response plan, but she does not need to see the raw data.
In this scenario, Ryan and Andrew gave Beth permission to see where the cases are, how many there are, and which hospitals in the region have the resources and capacity to comprehensively respond to this event. That fast, accurate response is key to providing the best care by getting the funding and personnel in the right places at the right time.
So let's say Andrew's data is no longer relevant to Beth's organization, and therefore, she shouldn't be able to access it anymore. She can decide to revoke any information about any of his facilities even though the data has already been contributed and possibly accessed within the Data Security Platform.
Once revoked, when Beth logs back in and looks at the capacity details, she can no longer see that particular hospital. And the number of cases and available beds has dropped. In addition, Andrew can view an audit lock that gives him full visibility into what Beth or anyone else who had permission to access it did with the data.
End-to-end ownership, both of the data contributed and the reports derived from the analytic, is maintained throughout the process. So all parties can feel confident that they will retain control over their data wherever it goes. And because their data is protected by Virtru's Data Security Platform, they can freely collaborate and enable the swift delivery of critical care to manage a health crisis.
Virtru's Data Security Platform provides a set of object level data protection tools that help data owners scale to solve today's problems that require ongoing secure collaboration.